
tracie braylock

I'm Tracie!

Writer, Holistic Nurse Educator & Mama of 4, reminding entrepreneurs and creatives  to care for your health and well-being as you build your businesses and get your work into the world.

hey there

TOp categories


How it Works:

  • All consultations are conducted via email and are currently $97.
  • Submit your first set of questions via the form below. I will respond as thoroughly as possible to your questions and provide insight and resources to help you.
  • You then have 90 days from the date your responses are sent to you to send me any follow up or additional questions you have. I will respond to your next set of questions and this will conclude your consultation.

What to Do:

  1. Fill out the consultation form to get started.
  2. Submit your payment of $97
  3. Check your inbox for my response!

Get Started!

Consultation Form


Submit Your Payment

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Check Your Inbox for My Response!

You should receive your message within 3-5 business days (usually a lot sooner!)


The Meditated Mom

Etsy sriracha williamsburg thundercats literally vinyl selfies distillery squid humblebrag. Glossier church-key subway.


The Pregnancy Peace

Etsy sriracha williamsburg thundercats literally vinyl selfies distillery squid humblebrag. Glossier church-key subway.


Put Some Sort of Related Freebie Here

I'm baby farm-to-table sartorial helvetica, migas marfa paleo chambray normcore 8-bit bushwick roof party truffaut banjo actually. YOLO health goth jean shorts.



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Tracie Braylock is a holistic nurse educator and writer inspiring you to live well in every area of your life.