
tracie braylock

Essential Oils

Get Back to School Ready with these 11 Essential Oils

I'm Tracie!

Writer, Holistic Nurse Educator & Mama of 4, reminding entrepreneurs and creatives  to care for your health and well-being as you build your businesses and get your work into the world.

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The newsletters are starting to arrive. They’re full of school supply lists, open house dates and ideas for helping our children get back to school ready.

It’s a bit bittersweet watching them accomplish goals and gain more knowledge, experiences and inches as each year goes by.

I regularly teach our children to pay attention to their own well-being. Making sure they get enough sleep, eat nutritious foods and remain active are the foundational blocks to maintaining their health. I also want them to know that there are other great tools and practices they can use as well.

We meditate, pray and use our essential oils. It gives them a well rounded picture of their personal power and responsibility to participate in self-care and support their body’s ability to be well.

As we transition from the slower summer routine to the steady school day schedule, we also adjust the types of essential oils we use to boost our well-being.

So here are 11 essential oils to help you and your children get back to school ready.

For your children:

1 // Thieves Essential Oil

Thieves essential oil is great for immune and respiratory system support

2 // GeneYus Essential Oil

GeneYus is an excellent blend for increasing focus and concentration

3 // Orange Essential Oil

Orange essential oil can help increase alertness and is a pleasant way to get them ready for the day ahead

4 // Joy Essential Oil

Joy essential oil can help build excitement about going to school, learning and interacting with others

5 // Purification Essential Oil

Purification essential oil can be added to your washing machine to freshen your laundry and diffused to cleanse the air in your space

6 // Clarity Essential Oil

Clarity essential oil is commonly used during homework time to promote concentration, focus and mental alertness

7 // Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender essential oil can help your children wind down from the day

8 // SleepyIze Essential Oil

SleepyIze is a KidScents essential oil blend that can offer a great night’s rest for you and your children

For you:

9 // Tranquil Roll On

Tranquil will help you get through the mornings, pick up lines, after school practices, meetings and more

10 // En-R-Gee Essential Oil

En-R-Gee essential oil is wonderful when you need to wake up earlier to pack those lunches and get everyone out the door and to school on time

11 // Valor Essential Oil

Valor is a great confidence booster if you’re sending your children off to a new school or care provider or feeling a bit sentimental about the transition.

Teaching your children how to actively care for their health and well-being is one of the greatest lessons you can give them. And no matter what ages your children are, these essential oils nurture their wellness and offer support to the entire family.

Ready to check these essential oils off of your back to school to-do list? Click here to get started.

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Tracie Braylock is a holistic nurse educator and writer inspiring you to live well in every area of your life.