
tracie braylock


How Can You Hear Me?

I'm Tracie!

Writer, Holistic Nurse Educator & Mama of 4, reminding entrepreneurs and creatives  to care for your health and well-being as you build your businesses and get your work into the world.

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I used to listen to really bad music. I mean parental advisory, explicit content, they just said what?! type of music. It was something I did regularly; going out to purchase new albums the day they were released. Listening to every track no matter the message. Thoughtlessly believing that the beat was what I truly desired. I thought this music motivated me, propelled me forward, kept me going. Somehow, I thought it was okay.

As I walked around the track one afternoon, music turned up as loudly as my device would allow, God asked me a very pivotal question, how can you hear me? It was one of those moments that I couldn’t ignore or deny. It stopped me in my tracks and I turned off the music completely.

God had so quickly and deeply spoken to my heart that I had to surrender it all to Him immediately. I’m sure I had been praying to Him for something at that time, but I never allowed Him the space to respond. I never quieted the noise in my life and actually turned up the volume as loudly as I could.

It was then that I learned to enjoy the silence. It was then that I welcomed God to speak to my heart again and again. It was then that I learned that God wanted to be in relationship with me, but I had placed a barrier between us.

Maybe your barrier isn’t music or listening to the wrong things in this world. Maybe your barrier is food or an unhealthy relationship. Maybe your barrier is how you spend your time or your money. Whatever barrier you may have thoughtlessly placed in between you and God, ask Him to reveal it to you. Then, ask Him to totally, and painlessly, take it away from you.

God wants you to hear His heart concerning you. God wants to engage in life and relationship with you. He’s always speaking. Quiet your heart long enough to hear His voice.

And, in case you’re wondering. No. I don’t miss the music. I’m now tuned in to the best station and guard what these ears hear intently.

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Tracie Braylock is a holistic nurse educator and writer inspiring you to live well in every area of your life.