
tracie braylock


3 Meditation Practices for Greater Peace of Mind

I'm Tracie!

Writer, Holistic Nurse Educator & Mama of 4, reminding entrepreneurs and creatives  to care for your health and well-being as you build your businesses and get your work into the world.

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Meditation is beneficial in a variety of ways, yet, sometimes it can seem intimidating to know where to begin. Your meditation practice doesn’t have to look like anyone else’s and it can be helpful to explore different ways of practicing, so you can maximize the benefits for your lifestyle and preferences. 

Here are 3 meditation practices that you can try for greater peace of mind.

1. Mindful Breathing Meditation: Find a comfortable sitting position and close your eyes. Focus your attention on your breath, feeling the air as it passes in and out of your nose. Let your mind be free of thoughts and simply observe the sensation of your breath.

2. Body Scan Meditation: Lie down on your back and close your eyes. Start at your feet and slowly move your attention up the body, feeling any tension and allowing it to release. As you move up the body, take note of any sensations that come up and simply observe them without judgment.

3. Visualization Meditation: Find a comfortable sitting position and close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths and imagine yourself in a peaceful setting. Visualize yourself surrounded by calm and beauty, and allow yourself to relax into this space. Enjoy the feeling of peace and contentment that this visualization brings.

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Tracie Braylock is a holistic nurse educator and writer inspiring you to live well in every area of your life.