As I look back over the past four years since, I’m thankful for how far I’ve come. I unintentionally became an entrepreneur as my husband and I decided I would become a stay at home Mom and I wrote and self-published my first book. Soon after, I started a new blog, This Holistic Life, sharing all things holistic and continuing to teach nursing.
Somewhere along my path, I decided that I wanted to turn my blog into a business. Now I know how very little I knew about business, social media and my own desires as an entrepreneur. I struggled to share my message because I was interested in so many things. I loved nursing and wanted to maintain my professional knowledge. I also loved to make things, which was my creative outlet as a new Mom staying at home with her child (now children). I also knew that I needed to learn as much as I could about business and how social media could benefit my entrepreneurial efforts.
As I learned, I spent much time going back and forth. I’d write here and there, make when I could and study all of the time. What I also began to do was compare my work, or the work that I wanted to be doing, to that of other women with online businesses. I began to doubt my efforts and question why I wasn’t as successful as others that I encountered. This unhealthy habit left me struggling to find time to do what I was supposed to be doing, encouraging, writing and sharing my knowledge and experience with others. What a waste of time!
I’m sharing this because I hope to steer someone else away from this less than beneficial path. I implore you to focus on your goals and the amazingly unique and powerful individual God created you to be.
My attempts to define myself for the world were futile at best. God was telling me to do something, but I continued to be distracted by what I saw others doing. There was no need for me to define myself. All I needed to do was share the messages and ideas God has given me and allow Him to utilize it for His glory.
I am very thankful for this day and age, in which I can successfully do all of the things I previously mentioned. I can care for our young family from home while writing books, making meaningful art, teaching, encouraging and building relationships.
I’m glad I serve a patient and forgiving God, who is willing to teach me as He loves me unconditionally. I look forward to the next part of my journey and encourage you to seek God continuously about your journey – who you are and what you should be doing. He needs us all to actively fulfill our purpose in this world.
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