I have a passion for holistic care and living and have used complementary therapies for years, but the role of these practices took on a whole new meaning in my life after becoming a mom.
I have an amazing husband and was blessed with a wonderful pregnancy.But my transition to motherhood was a bit bumpy. I struggled to find balance between being a wife, mother, professional, and the woman I desired to be.
I began researching the experiences of other mothers in an effort to relate to and find support from other women who share this amazing role.I quickly realized that in many circumstances, we all struggle to find and maintain balance in our lives, even though this balance looks different for each woman.
My personal and professional experiences have allowed me to witness the harmful effects of stress in the lives of people who simply attempt to care for, and give their best to, the ones they love, but sacrifice their own health and well-being in the process.I did not want to follow this road so I’m taking steps to change where I was headed.
It was clear to me that I needed to do what I could to achieve balance and to restore my sense of wellness as often as possible, even if I only had minutes to spare.This was the only way I could be the best for myself and for my family.
My personal plan is to keep things simple and make my health and well-being a priority by using complementary therapies to maintain wellness.I love talking to other mothers and (mothers-in-training) about their pregnancies and mothering experiences.Simply put, I’m striving to live a well-balanced, healthy lifestyle and share the journey with others.
From this blog I seek to empower moms, and moms-in-training, with tons of encouragement, resources, and support.Join me in making health and balance in our lives top priorities.
I hope you enjoy This Holistic Life!
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