When I meditate, I don’t strive to empty my mind of all thought or seek to reach a higher place within myself. Because I am a believer in Jesus Christ, my meditation practice consists of focusing on the word of God and receiving greater insight and understanding from God.
As a holistic nurse educator, I feel obligated to share all types of information with my audience. This includes various meditation and yoga practices, many of which I don’t practice or believe in. What I am doing is creating an awareness of what is available and practiced throughout the world. What I am not doing is telling you to follow every one of these practices.
You have to know who and what you believe in and be very careful who and what you align yourself with. When I use the term meditate, I do so understanding that it may not be the most popular type of meditation, but my practice does honor God.
When I practice Holy Yoga, it is a practice of stretching my body, focusing my mind and aligning my spirit with God. I don’t use fancy terminology or words I struggle to pronounce, instead I concentrate on the word, praise and worship God and listen to what He desires to share with me. I come to the mat surrendered and intentional about my focus on God, not myself.
I share all of this because I love what I do, I love who I am and I know what I stand for. I teach so that people are well informed and prepared to care for the health of their mind, body and spirit and I believe this can’t be done if you only have some of the information. You don’t have to believe it to learn or gain understanding about it.
So I challenge you to dive deeper into what you believe and what you are willing to do to achieve overall great health and well-being.
How you meditate matters just as much as how you live and nourish your life. Choose wisely.
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