I’m sitting here reflecting on the goodness of God. It’s December & I’m sitting here spending my evening just as I imagined; surrounded by my family, holding our new baby, tucked under a blanket on the couch gazing at our white light lit Christmas tree.
I’m so thankful. I’m thankful for the simple, everyday things. I’m thankful for all that I’ve experienced thus far & greatly anticipating what is to come.
I also understand. I understand how significant this very moment is. I understand that these moments can forever be etched in the mind of our four year old. I understand that my two year old just wants to be understood. I understand that our little girl won’t be so little in the blink of an eye. I understand that the messes, the tantrums & diaper changes are fleeting, sometimes exhausting, but finite and treasured parts of this same journey.
I am confident. I am confident that this next chapter will be even better than the others that preceded. I am confident that the messages that God has given me will reach those who need it at exactly the right time. I am confident that this time I will stay focused on Him & complete every task He has given me. I am confident that I am right here, right now for such a time as this & I must be about my Father’s business.
It is a joy to be alive, to have life, to see life, to experience life, to share life, to birth life, to nurture life, to enhance life. What a gift! What a blessing. Thank you Lord for another day & another chance.
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