It’s far too easy to keep rushing from task to task and forget about the wonders that we experience from moment to moment.
In an effort to slow my pace and deepen my practice beyond brief pauses in awe, I’ve decided to assemble a collection of what I’m grateful for.
- Hot coffee (seriously)
- Cozy blankets (this Mama will take a nap in a heartbeat)
- Meal preparing friends (you have no idea how much you’ve blessed our lives)
- Baby feet and smiles and innocence (thank God for my little ones)
- Grace filled relationships that pick up right where they left off (the coffee date is scheduled)
- New books (looking forward to The Last Arrow by Erwin McManus)
- Little helping hands (they’re learning and serving already)
- Technology that allows me to do the work I love and cultivate the lives of our young children (I am living my dream)
- Friends who get it – the good, the bad, the amazing (you know who you are)
- Completing another business goal (its been a long journey, but it’s my journey and it’s so worth it)
This simple practice can help you reclaim the precious moments you’re thankful for and remember how great your life already is, so give it a try.
Take a minute to tell me what you’re grateful for in the comments below.
Lovely post Tracie. Gratitude is a practice that enhances EVERYTHING. It raises the vibration of the person experiencing it and then that changes the vibration of the field s/he is living in. Gratitude keeps me in the Mystery, open and humble. I enjoyed your list. Some of mine are fresh air and water, sunlight, the beautiful relationships that I have, the practice of meditation, work and hours of deep sleep!