The clock never stops moving, the list of things to do never stops growing and self-care is the farthest thing from your mind.
If you had just a little more time, then maybe. If your home magically cleaned itself, then maybe. If someone else did the cooking, the shopping, that mile high pile of laundry, then maybe.
You’re right.
There are a million things to do and the list is never-ending and some of these things must get done.
But do all of these things require all of your time and attention?
Maybe thinking that they do is what’s truly stressing you out. Maybe refusing to ask for help is contributing to the problem. Maybe doing the opposite of all the things is exactly what you need to do.
Sometimes, when we’re in the midst of it all, it’s hard to know which way is up. We think, hope and pray the end is near only to find ourselves still at the beginning of our journey.
What if you could learn how to navigate your path, paying more attention to self-care and calm than stress and all the things?
Because the truth is, the things will be there after you’ve attended to your own needs. The truth is, the things will get done, and can be handled in a more peaceful, sane and joy-filled way. The truth is, if you don’t stop to take care of you, the stress of all the things will stop you.
You simply can’t pour from an empty cup, so stop forcing yourself to get just a little more done and to maintain the same breakneck speed the rest of the world is striving for.
Step back, breathe, release the stress and reclaim your sanity.
I’ll show you how to do this in my upcoming program, Code Calm. You can learn all about it here.
I’m on a mission to show women a different, more loving way to exist. Join me.
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