
tracie braylock


When You’re Suffocating and Need a Way Out

I'm Tracie!

Writer, Holistic Nurse Educator & Mama of 4, reminding entrepreneurs and creatives  to care for your health and well-being as you build your businesses and get your work into the world.

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I stood there for so long, my arms went numb. Four hours to be exact. And the numbness and tingling had become too much to bear. I had to move, to breathe, be set free.

The job was noble and someone had to do it, but I should have had the nerve to speak up sooner, to ask for a break, to say I’d had enough.

But I didn’t. I was suffocating in an effort to help someone else. Afraid of what others would say if I’d walked away.

Far too often, we put, and keep, ourselves in positions that we need to get out of, but don’t. We stay and put up with the pain thinking that suffering a little while longer will make all the difference.

It’s not true and deep down we know it.

So think about it. Which area of your life has become too much to bear? Paralyzing you with fear, stress or dread and keeping you from thriving? How would it feel to exhale and release the tension you’re holding on to? To shift your energy from negative to positive and embody the peace you so desperately long for?

I’m creating something with you in mind, to help you release the stress and re-calibrate your well-being. Add your name and email below and when it’s ready, I’ll send you the details.
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When have you found yourself continually struggling in an effort to help someone else? Tell me in the comments below.

*I was working in the operating room, holding onto a camera on the inside of a patient’s body, my breath, bladder and the bad decision not to ask for a break. Ask for help when you need it because your choices have consequences even when you think they’re noble. I still experience the numbness and tingling over a decade later. 

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Tracie Braylock is a holistic nurse educator and writer inspiring you to live well in every area of your life.