The lecture hall was silent. It seemed like everyone was digesting the words of our instructors. The two nurses, standing in the front of the room, in their freshly pressed lab coats, had just declared that “there’ll always be something begging for your attention. So do it now!” These were experienced educators who understood that life would keep unfolding and there was no reason to put anything on hold. They were trying to convince us that we could go on to graduate school, even as life kept happening.
They were also encouraging us to learn how to weave it all together. To have what we wanted. To go boldly after our goals. To enjoy the life laid out before us without putting things off for the proverbial after, later or someday.
So, what is it for you? I mean, most of us are striving for something. More patience. Deeper faith. Higher education. A different home. A new baby. You name it. We all have goals. And these aren’t just meaningless desires. They’re milestones and achievements that propel you forward, helping you to evolve, better serve the world around you and experience joy in your everyday life.
What I’ve noticed though, is that the more we pile onto our plates and the more goals we set out to achieve, the less space we leave for the basics of self-care in our lives. The nutritious diet, the regular exercise, the deeper sleep, the meaningful relationships. These things go out the window or get minimal time and attention as if self-care no long matters when we have goals to achieve.
We’re missing the mark of weaving things together. And are instead, omitting some of the things that matter most.
These life goals and milestones are valuable, yet, too many people end up sick, burned out and too overwhelmed to ever enjoy the fruit of their labor.
I believe these 3 self-care myths are what’s keeping you from living your best life, so let’s explore them and eliminate any confusion.
Myth #1 – Self-care is a luxury.
Self-care has a varied meaning for each of us. From world travel and spa days to family and a good book, you’ll find that each of us desires a different way to be cared for and we simply enjoy different stuff.
But self-care is not a luxury. It’s not something you can’t or shouldn’t spend money on, although spending money is not a requirement, and it’s not something that you have to wait to experience until you can afford it. Self-care is an investment, not an expense, and should be accounted for and taken care of like your other responsibilities.
Myth #2 – Self-care can wait until later.
When is later? Do you know how long you’ll be here? Of course we all hope to live one hundred plus years, but you can’t wait to take care of yourself and truly believe you’ll get there. The reality is, later may look very differently than it does now. It may be filled with complications from your lack of care, diseases you’ve never even imagined and messiness that could have been avoided.
You must be proactive with your self-care, not waiting until some life altering diagnosis or traumatic event. Self-care will help you prevent and avoid many unnecessary dis-eases.
Myth #3 – self-care isn’t helping anything.
Not only does self-care help you check in with yourself, it helps you at least maintain a level of care that shows yourself and the rest of the world that you’re valuable and worthy of love and attention.
Ignoring your needs is not an act of selflessness, it’s neglect. Self-care is being a good steward of what you’ve been given and ensuring that you’ll be here to effectively carry out your divine mission.
Let me be clear. I am not saying that each and everyone of us is causing every sickness and disease that we have. I am saying that we need to take a moment, actually several of them, to understand our role in our own sickness and disease. What are we neglecting? What are we feeding? What are we ignorant about and could use some wisdom and understanding?
We have dominion. We have access to every spiritual blessing God has promised us, including healing. When we don’t incorporate self-care into our daily lives, we are missing the fullness of health, healing and wholeness and are therefore more susceptible to the things that come our way.
Self-care is a foundational practice that ensures that our health and well-being are taken care of so we can do the work of the Lord here on Earth.
So, my friend, I hope that I’ve eliminated any confusion, excuse or misunderstanding surrounding self-care.
It’s time to show up and experience the abundance available to you. It’s time to thrive and stop wasting time worrying about things you have the power to change.
If you need guidance and want to become more consistent with your self-care practice, join Self-Care Conscious, a monthly membership program designed to support, encourage and keep you on track with your self-care. Learn more about Self-Care Conscious here.
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