Before I began my online nursing practice, I worked in the operating room, caring for patients with all types of illnesses and traumas. What I found most frightening was that most of these conditions were preventable, and that most people are unaware of that.
There are so many diseases and conditions that some people simply learn to live with as if there is no alternative or way of slowing the progression of the trauma taking place in their physical bodies. I believe this is the case because stress needs to be taken more seriously and people need practical solutions to the stress they’re facing.
Stress is the source of harmful, chronic conditions such as:
high blood pressure
heart disease
hormonal imbalances caused by elevated cortisol levels
digestive issues such indigestion, bloating, constipation and IBS
obesity and
type 2 diabetes
And far too often the narrative is shared that stress is good for you. Stress is beneficial and has an upside. But this isn’t the case. A lifetime of even small stresses can have a significant negative impact on your health and well-being.
Having numerous stressful events occur throughout your day, or things that cause your physical body to react in a way that generates an internal stress response, is not a good thing. So it’s important that we address this.
As we face an unprecedented global pandemic, the stress levels can become completely overwhelming. You may be experiencing thoughts, feelings and shifts in your energy that you’ve never experienced before. Pay attention to these signs and check in with yourself throughout the day. Notice what’s going on when you feel your stress levels rising. Are you watching the news? Are you listening to someone vent? Are you concerned for the well-being of a loved one? Are you afraid about how you’ll pay your bills? Are you frustrated with trying to home school your children? Whatever the source is, noticing it can help you stop the stress from becoming worse, or becoming a pattern.
If you are feeling stressed, recognize that you can’t afford to wait until this is all over because the harm is taking place now, and there are things that you can do to calm down, to relax and to minimize the amount of stress that you’re experiencing, and that will ultimately cause damage to your health.
Understand that if you’re not okay, it’s okay to say so. It’s important that you speak up and get the help and resources you need.
If you are okay, check in with a friend or family member and see how they’re doing.
This pandemic is a major life event. Pause to check in with yourself and be honest about how you feel and what you need to get through this well.
So, tell me in the comments, how are you doing right now?
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