Ginseng is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory that can help regulate blood sugar, fight fatigue and support the immune system.
Ginseng may also help to lower cholesterol levels, promote relaxation and reduce stress.
It’s thought that ginseng can revitalize the entire body, strengthening the body’s defenses, acting as an adaptogen. Ginseng is able to combat inflammation and has the ability to improve cognition.
Ginseng may also reduce the risk of certain cancers. Because of the ginsenosides contained in ginseng, which have unique biological activity, including antitumor properties, the inhibition of cell apoptosis and cellular properties that protect the nervous system.
The root of the plant is most commonly used for health purposes.
Some known side effects of ginseng include increased heart rate, high or low blood pressure, headache, menstrual problems, breast pain, loss of appetite, and insomnia.
As with any nutritional supplement, talk with your care provider about including ginseng in your wellness routine.
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