Today’s the day!! One of my absolute favorite business women has released a new book into the world and I had the pleasure of reading an advanced copy.
Jenna Kutcher, the mac and cheese loving, photography business launching with a $300 Craig’s list camera, wife, mama of 2 and 7 figure, work from home business having, sweet soul, has written How are you, Really?
This is not a business book. This book represents Jenna’s essence. Let me explain.
I’m a lover of learning. I’ve been taking online courses and trainings for years, including several of Jenna’s courses.
And she’s become more than just someone to follow along with online. She actually pauses to personally check in on you like an old friend, which is no small feat when you’re deep in the midst of mothering and running a business.
So, it’s a joy to support, and glean wisdom, from her. And I believe her book will help you check in with yourself, speak up for yourself and move yourself in the direction you’re secretly dreaming about.
To learn more about the book, go to

You can also listen to the Goal Digger Podcast, episode 577, What People are REALLY Saying, to hear real readers, including me! give our perspective on Jenna’s new book. Yup, that’s me at the 38 minute, 42 second mark, right before her husband Drew takes over the mic!
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