
tracie braylock


The Power to Calmly Respond

I'm Tracie!

Writer, Holistic Nurse Educator & Mama of 4, reminding entrepreneurs and creatives  to care for your health and well-being as you build your businesses and get your work into the world.

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One of the benefits of operating an online business is the ability to work from anywhere at any time.

This often means working from home or a local coffee shop, but this week, I decided to pay Panera a visit.

I was seated at my usual table, tea in one hand, pen in the other, when one of the employees entered the restaurant.

He walked up to the counter in search of his wallet. He was excited to find it and began walking towards the door, but by the look on his face it was obvious that something was wrong.

He opened his wallet wider as he seemed to realize that some of the contents had been taken.

He looked devastated.

He returned to the heart of the store, to search a bit deeper, I imagine, and I got back to work.

Soon after, there was an alarming crash of the door.

The young man was so upset, that he pounded it as he left the building.

Who knows what that young man lost? Who knows how much it meant to him? Who knows how much stress it caused?

Clearly he was angry in the moment, but these types of experiences can hurt far into the future.

His reaction to his loss startled the guests inside the restaurant, myself included. So much so, that I could no longer focus.

This is what stress and pain and loss can do. It can shake people to their core and their pain can have a ripple effect on anyone in their path.

I pray that young man’s loss is restored and that he can reach a space of forgiveness.

It also reminded me of the importance of sharing with you that there’s another way to respond to the everyday occurrences, challenges and problems we face – a calmer, more peace filled way.

We know that things are going to occur, most of which we have no control over. What we do have control over is how we respond to the things that happen.

This is our superpower. To respond with peace, calm and clarity and focus on the truth that whatever happens, we are amazing and unstoppable.

When you calmly respond to whatever’s happening in your life, your ability to think clearly about what’s taking place is maintained. Your blood pressure, heart rate and breathing remain stable, and in some cases, can even be lowered. And you also maintain your emotional intelligence.

There’s power in a calm response.

And I’d love to teach you more about it.

If you want to learn more, add your name to the form below and you’ll be invited to my next class.

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    Tracie Braylock is a holistic nurse educator and writer inspiring you to live well in every area of your life.